Welcome to the Presence Path Blog

Presence Path is a way of experiencing less stress and more life…now. It is about meeting the moment and whatever it presents with curiosity and an open heart. It is about listening for your Creative Call and consciously choosing to follow that call where it leads. It is about welcoming your journey and walking your way home to yourself.


the latest:

Empowering 10-Week Online Course for Cultivating Self-Kindness and Emotional Resilience



Soft Landing Meditation for Anxious Moments (audio 90 sec)

Mindful Self-Compassion Meditation to Soothe Your Anxiety and Nervous System



Mindful Self-Compassion Breathing Meditation

“One for me and one for you.” As you read that, what did you think? Did you question what I meant? Did you judge it as selfish because I put myself first? Did you feel included? Did you worry about others who might not feel included or just start scrolling? In my #mindfulselfcompassion teacher training […]



Opening to Nature’s Wisdom Through Mindful Photography

While walking in the hills of Del Mar just before sunset last night I came upon this spectacular Agave plant more than five feet in diameter growing beside a sandstone cliff two stories high. The sunlight illuminating the plant’s leaves beckoned me closer for a photo. As I held up my camera, I had the […]



Inspired Action: End Unworthiness – The Good Feeling Mantra

“When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it.” ~ Sigmund Freud ~ The past week was a whirlwind of unexpected inspiring activity, good fortune, and blessings that still astonishes me. I wish this kind of energy for you so below you’ll find a powerful 4 step process that can help […]



[Inspired Action] Enthusiasm Mini Retreat

“Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.” ~ Napoleon Hill ~ Yesterday evening at dusk in heavy San Diego evening traffic, I heard a screaming fire engine siren behind me.  As it became louder, I quickly veered toward the right side of the street curb along with a trail of […]



The Power of Keeping an Energy Journal

“We are what we repeatedly do.” ~ Aristotle ~ “It’s simple. Stop doing what isn’t working. Do more of what is working.” ~ John Reese ~ We’re 20 days into January and I’m wondering how you’re doing with your New Year’s Resolutions and quarterly and annual goal actions? Are you still moving forward at a […]



Morning IV (Inner Voice) and Why Tiger Failed.

Do you ever encourage a conversation with your IV — Inner Voice or what some experts call the Voice of Intuition)? I do. Most often while walking in nature or writing Q&A dialogue before I fall asleep at night or first thing in the morning when I wake up. My IV is the conduit to […]



Inspire Yourself ~ 7 Steps to Creative Napping

Have you ever fallen asleep at your desk or had an easier time falling asleep on the couch than in bed? Does your creativity need a boost? Could you use more enthusiasm? Nap your way to success. The National Sleep Foundation reports some astonishing facts that validate the power of a nap: * 48.5% of […]



Discover Your Happiness Strengths

After a four year hiatus, today I repeated the VIA (Values in Action) Strengths survey on the newly updated happier.com. Once again, I was reminded of the power of self-discovery and self-awareness, and the immense value of identifying your personal strengths. The site highlights research and assessments by the gifted Dr. Martin Seligman, founder of the Positive Psychology movement at the […]



Do You Agree? Is Knowledge the Key to Survival?

“I will say the most important thing the human race has for our survival is our brain. If knowledge is not passed down to the next generation, we will become extinct.”~ George Lucas George Lucas, filmmaker and creator of the movie Star Wars challenged President Obama to make education a top priority as he accepted […]


My intention as a trained Mindful Self-Compassion teacher and coach is to help you reconnect to your wise, loving, intuitive self, follow your creative calling, and experience and share your creative gifts with the world. 

I bring 30 years of experience as an international inspirational speaker specializing in communications and stress management and over a decade in Marketing Consultancy. I am the author of "My Mother, My Friend," and "Living with Enthusiasm" and a contributing author to five best-selling "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books and "A Woman's Way to Success in Business." I have been featured in numerous national publications and broadcasts and have spoken on more than 1500 stages around the world. 

I believe there is a path to create the life you want and achieve your goals and dreams - at any age, at any stage. It is my honor and joy to help women find their creative calling and put their dreams at the forefront of their lives.

My intention as a trained Mindful Self-Compassion teacher and coach is to help you reconnect to your wise, loving, intuitive self, follow your creative calling, and experience and share your creative gifts with the world. 

I bring 30 years of experience as an international inspirational speaker specializing in communications and stress management and over a decade in Marketing Consultancy. I am the author of "My Mother, My Friend," and "Living with Enthusiasm" and a contributing author to five best-selling "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books and "A Woman's Way to Success in Business."

I have been featured in numerous national publications and broadcasts and have spoken on more than 1500 stages around the world, sharing how to stay inspired, enthusiastic, and healthy in changing times.

I believe there is a path to create the life you want and achieve your goals and dreams - at any age, at any stage. It is my honor and joy to help women find their creative calling and put their dreams at the forefront of their lives.

I would love to help you bring your creative spirit to life.

Learn more

A Lifetime of Experience, Travels, Challenge & Change

Mary is Director of Communications for the Center for Mindful Self Compassion and is a MSC Trained Teacher, Coach, Meditation Guide and Retreat Leader based in San Diego, California. You can find Mary creating artful photography and leading walking meditation groups on the beaches of Torrey Pines Reserve.

Mary's career experience includes over a decade working as a marketing consultant with business, government, nonprofit, and community organizations to create and complete mission-driven collaborative projects and events, and a 30-year career traveling internationally as a communication and stress management speaker and author. 

Working with latest research on stress, positive psychology, and brain/mindset learning into practical and powerful lifestyle strategies, Mary inspires people to make conscious choices and take inspired action in the midst of challenge and change, believing that all dreams are possible.

let's connect

written by mary marcdante

written by
mary marcdante

Living with Enthusiasm

Living with Enthusiasm is a powerful 21-Day Plan for turning your stress into success, funk into fun, and adversity into adventure. It's about going for the gusto.



My Mother, My Friend

Every woman has things that she wants to talk about with her mother -- but can't. Big questions about health, aging and money, and even more personal issues about family secrets and Mom's relationship with Dad have made for extremely difficult conversations -- until now.

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