“Maybe Christmas isn’t in a store, maybe it is much, much more.” The Grinch

It’s St Nick’s Eve. On my evening walk, the neighborhood is starting to show signs of the holidays with lights and blow-up Santas and snowmen. I’m in the middle of watching for the first time “How The Grinch Stole Christmas,” by Dr. Seuss while decorating my tree pandemic-style—by myself.
In the movie, after much terror and disaster that the Grinch inflicts on the citizens of Whoville, Little Cindy Lou continues to be kind to him and he realizes that, “Maybe Christmas isn’t in a store, maybe it is much, much more.”
One of my favorite holidays as a young girl was St. Nicholas Eve and Day. As children, before bedtime we’d hang our stockings, the cuffs tucked under books on the bookshelf in the living room. Mom would send us off to bed, say our prayers with us, and then spend the evening stuffing our stockings with trinkets, chocolate kisses, nuts we had to crack open with a nutcracker and a tangerine.
It wasn’t much, but looking back on that tradition what I remember is watching her delight in our excitement in the evening and our joy in the morning and remind us that someone we didn’t even know thought we mattered and were deserving of treats and to remember to be kind and generous with each other and others less fortunate.
Did you have any Holiday traditions as a child that you have continued? Is there one that really matters this year during Covid restrictions. Please share in the comments below. I know it will brighten my day and anyone reading this.
With so many suffering incredible hardship this year, I feel incredibly grateful to have my health, a comfortable home, work I value, and family, friends, clients and colleagues I love. Wishing that for you and the rest of the world.
If you can, donate to your local foodbank. In #sandiego, even $1 will provide 5 meals through the #sandiegofoodbank.
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