“A happy life
is just a string
of happy moments.
But most people don’t allow
the happy moment,
because they’re so busy
trying to get a happy life.”
~ Abraham ~
String together happy moments; I love this idea. It’s so easy to get lost worrying about the future or thinking through a challenging situation, comparing myself to others, hearing bad news, or any of the many other ways we human beings naturally distract ourselves from experiencing all the good in our lives. I have to remind myself, sometimes even with a timer, to take a breath and reground myself in the present moment to stay connected to the beauty in this world.
One quick way to create a string of happy moments for yourself is to allow yourself to take a deep breath right now, put a smile on your face – a big one – and hold it for 16 seconds while repeating slowly, “Thank you.” Look around you and find something to focus on that makes you feel good and savor the feeling for another moment. And another. Do this as often as you can throughout your day.
If you can’t find something positive where you are, choose to think of your own smile as what’s giving you happiness in this moment. That choice alone can lead to happier moments and a happier life.
What’s one of your happy moments today? I’d love to know. Leave a comment below.
Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan. Banjo VHS wolf lumbersexual.